Crystal Glick Carper

A.D.C.R.G. & 

Owner of Hooley Irish Dance


Crystal was raised in Lancaster County and began Irish Dancing with the Coyle School of Irish Dance when she was 12 years old. Although from a Pennsylvania Dutch background, she quickly became enthralled with Irish culture and clung to the bit of Irish heritage she has, "Hooley." Crystal was attracted to the competitive nature of Irish Dance feiseanna (competitions), and practiced intensely to compete on a Regional and National level in Open Championships. She gained valuable experience teaching Irish Dance in Russia for YWAM (Youth With A Mission). The outreach programs, often using Irish Dance, involve youth in positive ways. When she returned to the U.S. and retired from competing in 2006, it became her goal to bring the first Irish Dance school to her hometown. Crystal is married to Matt Carper, her sweetheart, who learned how to Irish dance for their wedding! Crystal and Matt have two children named Aslyn and Maximus.


Former Technical Sergeant of the PA Air National Guard Emergency Management in English Education from Millersville University to be an Irish dance instructor in Minnesota with Scoil na d'Tri under the direction of TCRG Brenda Buckley (R.I.P.) 

Passed the ADCRG examinations in 2016

Passed the rigorous TCRG exam in 2008

Certified through An Coimisiún le Rincí Gaelacha – CLRG in Dublin, Ireland, as an Irish Dance instructor


Crystal officially opened the Hooley School of Irish Dance in January 2009. She has helped dozens of Hooley dancers reach Championships in the past ten years, including the World Championships. ​ 


Crystal currently sits on the selection committee for the IDTANA Cyril McNiff Memorial Scholarship Program. She frequently attends and adjudicates feises. 


Crystal is dedicated to helping her students set goals and achieve them.